10 Things I Wish I Knew Before College

College is often described as a journey into the real world, a place where you not only discover yourself but also lay the foundation for a successful life. While this is true, there’s no one-size-fits-all roadmap for this adventure. Many successful students enter college with a deep, insatiable hunger. They know that the key to success is about more than academics or a dazzling GPA. They understand that success encompasses academics, skills, networking, and personal development. Without further ado, here are the top 10 things I wish I knew before college. 

  1. Network, Network, Network

If there’s one thing that’s always consistent in adulthood, it’s the competition for jobs. Having the right people in your network can save you from endlessly applying for exciting roles while yielding zero results. 

Utilize online platforms like LinkedIn and Facebook, as well as in-person events on campus to connect with peers and professionals in your field. Doing this could open the door to opportunities you didn’t even know existed! 

  1. Invest in Professional Development

Academics are only part of the formula for success. You need a well-rounded skill set to get and stay ahead. Focus on building skills like resume writing, effective communication, and budgeting. You can take advantage of campus resources and read books on these topics to hone your professional image. Remember, industries are ever-changing, so it’s important to stay up to date and ahead of the trends. 

  1. Make your health a priority

Create healthy mental and physical habits to prevent burnout and keep your mind sharp. Whether you like jogging, meditating, or enjoy a quick smoothie break, you should make time for your health everyday. By making healthier choices, big or small, you can stay on top of your game. College can be taxing on the mind, and bad habits can result in an endless cycle of fatigue and a sour mood. 

  1. Revamp Your Study Habits

Last minute study sessions in between classes is a recipe for burning out and falling behind. Plan ahead and experiment with different studying techniques to find out what works best for you. Try listening to music and snacking on brainfood to boost your focus!

5. Explore Your Interests

Your degree program isn’t meant to be a learning prison for you. Take this time to explore any and all interests! Learn that instrument you always wanted to play. Sign up for cooking lessons, or robotics. You never know what new passion you may find, or how the knowledge gained can help you later on in life. Learning is meant to be fun and fulfilling, never shy away from experiences that interest you.

6. Get a mentor

Remember that magical roadmap mentioned earlier? A mentor is about as close as you can get to having one! A mentor can provide invaluable guidance, helping you navigate college and beyond.

Seek out a mentor who can share wisdom, provide insights, and introduce you to new opportunities.

7. Don’t forget to have fun!

All work and no play can make for a pretty depressing college experience. While academic success is important, don’t overlook the importance of enjoying yourself.

Balance your academic responsibilities with social activities and downtime, this combination will boost your personal growth. 

8. Leverage College Resources

Take full advantage of campus resources like tutoring centers, libraries, and student events. Don’t forget that you can always reach out to professors and counselors when needed. You’re paying for this education, so make the most of the opportunities around you!

9. Find your tribe

If you’re nervous about branching out and making new friends, you’re not alone! Even if it’s just saying hi to a classmate sitting next to you, there’s nothing to lose when meeting new people. Engage in clubs and social activities to meet like-minded peers who can become lifelong friends.

10. Adapt Your Degree Plan

Everything doesn’t always go according to plan, and your degree plan is no exception. Sometimes, your original academic plan may not align with your evolving interests and goals.

Don’t be afraid to change your degree program if needed; it’s a positive step towards personal growth and fulfillment.

College is an exciting, stressful, and incredibly fun part of life, and it can be easy to get lost during the ride. Take the time to write down your main goals and stick them somewhere you will see everyday. If you stay focused, you can get the most out of your college experience, and graduate feeling ready to take on the world. Here’s to finding your way in college!